The incident happened last June 17, 11 in the morning when the unknown student described that a certain Motorist came near to her and masturbated in front of her as she was waiting for a Bus going to Bogo City, Cebu. She tried to take photo and video and rushed to the nearest traffic enforcer to seek for help. She then reported it to Cebu Flash Report Facebook Page as she wanted to warn other Students who might encounter the same.
For complete post, see below. (Photos Credit to Cebu Flash Report)
Another case of malicious act, karon habal2 na pud!
Karun rako ni send nimo kay nakakita ko sa picture kato bag.ong ge reklamo.mura man parihag nawng
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Naa lang unta ko ipa post nahitabo ni pag June 17, 11 am. Nag...